How to use veracrypt hidden volume
How to use veracrypt hidden volume

how to use veracrypt hidden volume how to use veracrypt hidden volume

You didn’t mention how many inner volumes for each hidden veracrypt volume but more than one would set the stage for a chaotic scenario as mentioned - above. Albeit, the best passwords are the ones you can't remember - I am borderline!!


It becomes even more complicated – in terms of security/secret – since each password muss be strong and unique! I can manage keeping 5 STRONG passwords/phrases in memory without writing them down but more than that requires physical notation because of their infrequent usage, and that becomes a security issue – where to store them. I would have two headers from which veracrypt can work with. It becomes a juggling act remembering how big, where is what, which password to use, how many volumes did I create, etc.- when creating even multiple volumes in which you can create hidden volumes!! That means you must have several headers for veracrypt to determine where each volume begins/ends no problem here since the wizard does the calculating for you but have your paper and pencil at hand. Adding a hidden volume requisite you create an outer volume in which to hide it. Say you already have an encrypted veracrypt volume/partition, etc. Could happen if you are really such a security minded person. That would be unnecessary overkill because you may not know one-day either :). Nobody would ever know how many inner hidden containers you have. In you question concerning multiple inner hidden containers - you wrote

How to use veracrypt hidden volume